Field Test and Century


Beautiful day here with temps in the upper 50's to low 70's so I did the field test early in the ride and then did a century. I'll take tomorrow off. The field test went really well. I held 408 and 394 for each 8 minute effort. At first I thought my computer had to be wrong but in June at the state 10k champhionship I held 380 for 13 minutes. I was well rested today after two days off and have had a week of great sleep. I did the entire ride faster than normal also. I didn't wear my HR monitor but during the test I checked my pulse and was pushing mid to upper 170's. For the most of the ride I was in the 130-140's and feeling great. Average power was around 260 so about he same as the last couple of 100 milers. This was an easy century even with 4000' of climbing and the test and some headwinds.

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