in or out of he saddle when climbing?


Had that very question from a client. Here is my reply: Good question. It is much more efficient to stay in the saddle when climbing unless you're after that short bust of power to break away or just to change position on the climb. When you hop out of the saddle you're calling on more muscles which is good to get away but not so good in terms of portioning out your energy over the course of the climb and ride. Spin classes and some dvd's will have people in and out of the saddle just to offer some variety and to drive up heart rates. For some people driving the effort with intensity in the saddle inside is difficult so that added use of muscle out of the saddle helps increase the work load. I've taught classes where we never get out of the saddle, and it drives people crazy. All the reason to do it ;-) In a time trial we stay seated the entree time both for aerodynamics but also better efficiency.

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