I just heard that a Cleves participant and well know local crit/road racer was involved in a horrible accident last week that has left him paralyzed from the chest down. He was heading through an intersection in Mt. Lookout when a car turning left hit him. Certainly wasn't his fault but bikes lose against cars every time. I know this guy is a safe rider and this was just horribly bad luck. Here are some tips on keeping yourself safe:
try to avoid riding at rush hour
avoid riding with the sun low and behind you
take the less busy streets and use trails if possible
have front and back lights
wear bright clothing
never go through an intersection without looking both ways, even when the light is green
never run red lights
always assume cars don't see you and ride accordingly
where a mirror...always good to know whats behind you
consider the rear light that is also a 5 hour camera...never hurts to record the people blowing by you.