December Training


Pretty cold weekend so I did some indoor rides with some tempo (20 minutes at 280). Certainly less on that power than I did outside in TN last week (310+) but HR was about the same so I went with it. With temps at 30 on Saturday morning, I decided to ride inside with an hour session in the morning and another in the afternoon. Did the same today, one in the morning and another watching the first half of the Bengals-Browns game. I just don't get much benefit from riding when its below 40. Even with my SIDI cycling boots and warm gloves, I'm still too cold. Thirty degrees at 18-20 mph with no additional wind gives a temperature of 17-19 degrees. My basement is a pleasant 68-70. I'd rather sweat than freeze. I get outside for a daily hike in the local park and yesterday I did some mulching in my garden for a couple of hours.

Looking ahead, we're still going with shorter efforts with lots of intensity. I see descending intervals, some short steady state, etc in the next 10 days. Its a long way to the first events in the spring so some pacing in the schedule is important. We certainly want to keep up the power but not over do it.

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