With temperatures headed into the upper 50's and near 60 this weekend, after 4" of snow just two mights ago, there should be some opportunities to get outside to ride. After several weeks inside doing all of my interval training, it'll be nice to see some scenery going by. I'm optimistic that my power outside will be a little higher than wheat I've been doing inside for comparable efforts. Inside power has been fine but outside is typically higher for any given effort.
With the start of spring being March 1 in my mind, its a good time to look at the winter training to see what went well and maybe what didn't. Overall, the strength training component has been very strong. From head to toe, I feel as strong as ever. on the bike I've been taking the rest days as recommended and trying to get more sleep. using the indoor time trials as a barometer, power seems to be as high if not a little better than last year. Training power inside is a little lower but outside power, when able to get out, has been as good if not a little higher than last year. Getting through the winter and coming out as strong as the previous year is ok, especially riding as a 54 year old.