April Blue Streak Time Trial


While my computer showed a 22:29 the results show a 22:09. Given that a few other people that I coach also recorded times 20 seconds slower than posted in the results, I think the results are off. Either way, for the first real tt of the season, I was satisfied with my numbers. Power was 345, cadence 89. Both were lower than expected (was hoping for 355 and 92-95) but this is about where I started last year. Actually my time was slower last year for the first ride but power was higher. It was a cool evening last year, around 50-55, compared to the low to mid 60's this year.

If going by race age of 55, I would have won the 55-59 but the Blue Streak uses actual birthdate so I won't be in that bracket until the June race. In the 504-54 my time was only good enough for 4th place. Even if I had ridden my best time of 2016 (21:38) I still would only have tied for 3rd. To win the bracket I would have had to ride within 10 seconds of my PR. Given the cool and pretty windy conditions, that wasn't going to happen.


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